Created: March 2016. Last Updated: July 2018.
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Estimated time: | 55 minutes
Group or individual activity: | Group |
Ages: | 11-18 years old |
Grades: | Grades 6-12 |
Online / offline elements: | This learning experience contains links to online resources to help facilitate a group-based discussion, and an offline writing assignment. |
Areas: | Main area: Positive / Respectful Behavior Additional areas: Privacy and Reputation, Safety and Well-being |
License: | Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. For more information, please visit: |
Learning Goal
Participants will better understand others’ perspectives and feelings in the context of individuals sharing personal information online.
[One per participant] Handout: Scenarios [educator version and participant version]
[One per participant] Paper
[At least one per participant] Colored pens or pencils
Video: Exploring the Concept of Online Privacy - by Common Sense Education
Website: LOL: This Woman Screencaps Her Mom's Hilarious Text Message Fails - by ClickHole (Note: ClickHole is a satirical website)
Activity #1: Understanding and Sharing the Feelings of Others
[Ask participants to pair up and give each participant a copy of the Scenarios: Participant Handout.]
[Allow participants 15 minutes to read and discuss the scenarios.]
[Walk around the room and help participants with additional teacher prompts contained in the handout.]
What do these scenarios have in common?
Which one was the hardest to talk about? The easiest? Why?
How would you address each of the scenarios if they were to happen to you?
How can you protect yourself from other forms of invasion of privacy?
[Inform participants that some forms of snooping are actually illegal and, in nearly all cases, snooping is probably not ethical. In different kinds of relationships, people want to share various pieces of information about themselves. This variation is reasonable and normal.]
Now we are going to extend the scenarios we just talked about.
On your sheet of paper, draw two separate comic strips [if participants are not excited about the idea of a comic strip, suggest that they write a short story instead], illustrating:
A scenario where you feel like your boundaries, or someone else’s, were not respected and how you wish others had reacted.
A different scenario where you feel like your boundaries, or someone else’s, were respected and how others showed respect and kindness.
[Give participants 30 minutes to finish their comics.]