External resources

The External Resources page serves as a repository of learning experience resources (listed under the “Resources” heading for each learning experience). The majority of resources indicated in our learning experiences were not produced by the Youth and Media team (in cases where resources were developed by the team, they are indicated as such by denoting “Youth and Media” as the author, or one or more of our team members, who are listed on the Youth and Media website, as an author). You can filter resources by learning experience, medium, language(s), and year published/last updated. Additionally, you can sort resources in the table below by the title of the resource, learning experience, author(s), author stakeholder group, language(s), year published/last updated, main and additional areas, and medium. If you have any questions about the resources on this page, please feel free to reach out to us at .


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Title of Resource Learning Experience Author(s) Author Stakeholder Group Language(s) Year Published/Last Updatedsort descending Main area Additional areas Available at Medium
Fight for 15 Being an Advocate Fight for $15 Non-profit English 2012 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAOxWHeJq2Q Video
Social Media Plays Crucial Role in Brazil's ‘Vinegar Revolt’ Protests Hashtags Debora Baldelli (Global Voices) Non-profit
Bengali, French, Malagasy, Portuguese and 1 more (show more), English (show less)
2013 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://globalvoices.org/2013/06/21/coverage-of-protests-strengthens-internet-as-a-space-for-mobilization-in-brazil/ Text
What is Advocacy? Being an Advocate Advocates for Children and Youth Non-profit English 2014 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F_PxzLIIzQ Video
The World Youth Report on Youth Civic Engagement Being an Advocate United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs International Organization English 2016 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.un.org/development/desa/youth/world-youth-report/2015-2.html Text
Narrative Agency in Hashtag Activism: The Case of #BlackLivesMatter Hashtags Guobin Yang Academia English 2016 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/article/view/692/692 Text
These 10 Twitter Hashtags Changed The Way We Talk About Social Issues Hashtags Tanya Sichynsky (The Washington Post) Public English 2016 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/03/21/these-are-the-10-most-influential-hashtags-in-honor-of-twitters-birthday/?utm_term=.b0ec780166a0 Text
Where's the Color in Kids' Lit? Ask the Girl with 1,000 Books (And Counting) Hashtags Meg Anderson (National Public Radio) Non-profit English 2016 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/02/26/467969663/wheres-the-color-in-kids-lit-ask-the-girl-with-1-000-books-and-counting Text
Arepa, the Taco Is With You' – The Hashtag of Solidarity From Mexico to Venezuela Hashtags Elizabeth Rivera (Global Voices) Non-profit
Arabic, French, Portuguese, Russian and 1 more (show more), English (show less)
2017 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://globalvoices.org/2017/08/05/arepa-the-taco-is-with-you-the-hashtag-of-solidarity-from-mexico-to-venezuela/ Text
Why Protest? Being an Advocate YouthInFront Academia English 2018 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=AE-8Q7eRf74 Video
How Do I Get Started? Being an Advocate YouthInFront Academia English 2018 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=iYeAMUnJoII Video
What Happens After the March? Being an Advocate YouthInFront Academia English 2018 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBJLG8RAuso Video
#Enough: National School Walkout Being an Advocate The Women's March Non-profit English 2018 Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://www.actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/enough-national-school-walkout Text
Fight for $15: About Us Being an Advocate Fight for $15 Non-profit English Not specified Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://fightfor15.org/about-us/ Text
Women's March Unity Principles Being an Advocate Women's March Non-profit English Not specified Civic and Political Engagement Content Production, Context, Identity Exploration and Formation, Information Quality, Positive / Respectful Behavior https://womensmarch.com/mission-and-principles#mandpprinciples Text