External resources

The External Resources page serves as a repository of learning experience resources (listed under the “Resources” heading for each learning experience). The majority of resources indicated in our learning experiences were not produced by the Youth and Media team (in cases where resources were developed by the team, they are indicated as such by denoting “Youth and Media” as the author, or one or more of our team members, who are listed on the Youth and Media website, as an author). You can filter resources by learning experience, medium, language(s), and year published/last updated. Additionally, you can sort resources in the table below by the title of the resource, learning experience, author(s), author stakeholder group, language(s), year published/last updated, main and additional areas, and medium. If you have any questions about the resources on this page, please feel free to reach out to us at .


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Title of Resource Learning Experience Author(s) Author Stakeholder Group Language(s) Year Published/Last Updated Main areasort ascending Additional areas Available at Medium
KeePass Passwords Dominik Reichl Independent English and over 35 other languages 2019 Security Content Production, Information Quality, Privacy and Reputation https://keepass.info/ Tool